I'm Krishi.

a Programmer.

krishi profile


I am Krishi. gaining my utmost knowledge from VVP Engineering College.
Let us make Dreams come true and run after opportunities to have a life we dreamt of.


My skills

HTML ★★★★★
CSS ★★★★☆
Bootstrap framework ★★★★☆
NodeJs ★★★★☆
ReactJs ★★★☆☆
ExpressJs ★★★★☆
MongoDB ★★★★☆
PHP ★★★★☆
SQL ★★★☆☆
Mysql DataBase ★★★★☆


Gujarati Language ★★★★★
Hindi Language ★★★★☆
English Language ★★★★☆

How can I help?

Need any help or need to get in with me?
Mail me and I'll be touch as soon as possible